Never Say Never (The Fray song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia話說,家裡有供奉主子的各位鏟屎官, 你們平時都是怎麼處置 從主子身上掉下來的貓毛的呢? 日本有一對小夫妻養了 3 只喵星人, 家裡每天的貓毛更是多到不忍直視, 可他們卻因此走紅網絡, 因為他們是這樣的處理貓毛的, 一起來感受一下! 丈夫負責每天收集掉落下來的貓毛, "Never Say Never" or "Never Say Never (Don't Let Me Go)" is a song by Denver-based piano rock band The Fray that was included on their second studio album, The Fray. It is the second single from the album and is a direct love song between two people who a...