the game of mix and match

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match - definition of match by The Free Dictionary 你知道世界上其實有195個國家嗎?根據elitereaders的報導,他們最近做了一個有趣的榜單「全球出產最多美女」國家排行榜,沒想到亞洲國家只有這個地方上榜,一起來看看這份有趣的榜單吧~(可以順便看看你最喜歡某個國家的美女喔~   # 第15名:菲律賓 許多黑髮美女來自菲律賓,而且世界match 1 (măch) n. 1. a. One that is exactly like another or a counterpart to another: Is there a match for this glove in the drawer? b. One that is like another in one or more specified qualities: He is John's match for bravery. 2. One that is able to com...


IndieGala Indiependence Bundle of Steam games ▲出產最多美女的國家大比拼。(source:elitereaders)   全球總共有195個國家,其中亞洲就佔了48個國家。但是最容易盛產美女的國家,亞洲竟然只上榜一個,至於這個國家是哪裡呢?說出來可能會讓人驚訝哦! 這篇文章是根據數據統計的結果,相信大家看了照片可能會覺得排名有些不合Indie Gala - Pay what you want for great video games and music! ... Welcome to fastplay wargaming, a new kind of strategy game experience. Battleplan: American Civil War is an exciting top-down real time/turn-based hybrid strategy game....


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