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Amazon.com: The Hunger Games (Book 1) (9780439023528): Suzanne Collins: Books (本圖翻攝自ptt,下同) 更多精彩文章: 身邊有O型血的朋友要注意了! 更多精彩文章: 震驚!20歲年輕人的肺全部爛掉!只因連續7年一直去這個地方..... 更多精彩文章: 大批的香蕉受到愛滋病毒污染,吃到就有可能會感染!香蕉出現「這種情況」千萬不要吃!Reviewed by Megan Whalen Turner If there really are only seven original plots in the world, it's odd that boy meets girl is always mentioned, and society goes bad and attacks the good guy never is. Yet we have Fahrenheit 451 , The Giver , The House of the...