Amazon.com: The Hunger Games (Book 1) (9780439023528): Suzanne Collins: Books台灣傳統農業社會中,媳婦通常稱自己丈夫的哥哥為大伯,弟弟為小叔.一日,老張在忙完田裡的工作後來到溪邊洗澡,忽然想起和已過逝的老伴多年的甜蜜春光,一時性起,見四下無人就當場DIY了起來,事畢,隨手摘片樹葉擦了後就放到溪中隨波逐流,口中喃喃唸著:"唉!如果妳媽媽還在世,你就是老三了”,突然一Reviewed by Megan Whalen Turner If there really are only seven original plots in the world, it's odd that boy meets girl is always mentioned, and society goes bad and attacks the good guy never is. Yet we have Fahrenheit 451 , The Giver , The House of the...