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Fresh Hell - The New Yorker 靠北老婆原文:老婆,雖然前陣子跟我家人住在一起,讓你飽受壓力跟折磨,但是你可以不要這樣就對我家人恨之入骨嗎!我知道我姐跟我媽常常酸你,罵你或是動手打你跟小孩,我知道我爸都袖手旁觀,有時還會落井下石的數落你,我知道我每天早出晚歸,讓你每天都一個人面對他們,但是他們畢竟是我的家人,你就不能包容一點?!Collins’s trilogy is only the most visible example of a recent boom in dystopian fiction for young people. Many of these books come in series, spinning out extended narratives in intricately imagined worlds. In Scott Westerfeld’s popular “Uglies” series, ...

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