The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack - Wikipedia, the free encyclope王老先生在農場裡養了一群母雞,唯一的種雞已經上了年紀,王老先生於是決定想找隻年輕的種雞分擔老種雞的重任。年輕的種雞來到農場四處遊走以適應新環境,吸引了不少母雞的注意,老種雞感到嚴重的威脅,這樣下去其下場可想而知。於是老種雞對年輕的種雞說:「我知道你來到這裡的目的,不要以為你年輕力壯就可以取代我,不如The Hunger Games: Catching Fire – Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the official soundtrack to the 2013 American science-fiction adventure film The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. The movie is an adaptation of the 2009 novel by Suzanne Collins and the se...