英義跨國巨作 Aston Martin Vanquish Zagato Concept
The Key Bangkok Hotel - Official Site l Sukhumvit Skytrain Hotel Soi 19 英國超跑製造商Aston Martin與義大利知名設計公司Zagato再度攜手合作,針對Aston Martin旗下超跑Vanquish推出全新概念車─Vanquish Zagato Concept,此次推出的Vanquish Zagato Concept已是這兩間公司異業合作的第五項產品,將在今Book Now & Pay later at the hotel ! In order to make it convenient for our guests, most of the promotions on our website allow you to book now and pay later at the hotel ... THE KEY BANGKOK HOTEL GREAT LOCATION AND VALUE FOR MONEY WITH FREE ......