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Lake Isle of Innisfree - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 頑童 MJ116 ,大淵、瘦子、小春,三個在木柵街頭從小玩到大的夥伴,靠著自己的天賦及對音樂的堅持,玩出了一片天!從南部紅回台北,在台灣街頭音樂、嘻哈潮流界來講,都擁有眾多粉絲支持。最近他們出了新專輯《 FRESH GAME 》,強調要打破人生的格局,「自己是自己遊戲的主宰」,鼓勵年輕人在制式的社"The Lake Isle of Innisfree" is a poem written by William Butler Yeats in 1888. The poem was published first in the National Observer in 1890 and reprinted in The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics in 1892. One of Yeats's earlier poems, "The...