Take the Red Pill: The Truth Behind the Biology of Sex | Disrupting Dinner Parties 社群網站上的藝人名模、時尚博主總會分享很多自己的穿搭,並且總能成為女孩子們模仿的範本,當然還有像wear這類能讓普通人也能分享穿搭的地方。 只不過對於總不能理解女生時尚的男生來說,女生們穿在身上的潮流在他們眼中又是完全不同的而理解Part 1 is the sensitive head of what anatomy textbooks call the “genital tubercle” but I prefer to call the “phalloclitoris,” because as we will see, the penis and the clitoris are so similar that in this story (and maybe in general) it doesn’t really mak...