the last house on the left 2009

The Last House on the Left (2009) - IMDb 圖片轉自line官網及批踢踢 原本一開始一位網友在批踢踢上面PO了一篇文章 表示「已讀不回」是一件非常不禮貌並且不尊重人的事情 也讓許多網友引起共鳴表示很不喜歡傳訊息的對象這樣 甚至更過分的是乾脆「不讀不回」 後來就有一位網友引用了這篇PO文並且回到自身經驗 表示經過這次台南的大地震 訊息能被「已Directed by Dennis Iliadis. With Garret Dillahunt, Michael Bowen, Josh Coxx, Riki Lindhome. After kidnapping and brutally assaulting two young women, a gang unknowingly finds refuge at a vacation home belonging to the parents of one of the victims: a moth...


The Last House on the Left (1972) - IMDb   ----------------------------------------------------------------靠北老婆原文:我跟我老婆坦承一件事情但他Directed by Wes Craven. With Sandra Peabody, Lucy Grantham, David Hess, Fred J. Lincoln. A pair of teenage girls are headed to a rock concert for one's birthday. While trying to score marijuana in the city, the girls are kidnapped by a gang of psychotic c...


Carl Jung and the Holy Grail of the Unconscious -   小編一上車就睡覺了,難怪沒有這種浪漫的豔遇 -------------------------------------Dcard原文:火車讓位也可以交到閃光...之前搭火車回家車上還蠻多人的還好我有訂車票不然一定站到死後來到了台中站我看到一個女生上車她矮矮的很小隻長得蠻可愛的拿著大包What the unearthing of Carl Jung’s Red book is doing to the Jungs and the Jungians (and maybe your dreams). ... This is a story about a nearly 100-year-old book, bound in red leather, which has spent the last quarter century secreted away in a bank vault ...


The Predator War - The New Yorker      網友回覆: (1)這麼愛嗆離婚,那就給她兩條路, 一搬回婆家節省開銷,好好在家帶孩子 二那就離婚吧!養媽媽總比養個廢老婆好,至少媽媽會幫你顧孩子,不會讓孩子吸二手菸! (2)我建議你當個聽老婆話的老公好了,正所謂聽某嘴大富貴— 先把協議書等必要的Pakistan’s government considered Mehsud its top enemy, holding him responsible for the vast majority of recent terrorist attacks inside the country, including the assassination of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, in December, 2007, and the bombing, l...


Shirtless Biden Washes Trans Am In White House Driveway - The Onion - America's Finest News Source 希望原po能走出來 大家真的要自己注意自己的安全,就算是男生也一樣!!!喝醉了還是好好的打個電話請人來帶你回家,千萬不要覺得自己不會遇到,自己的安全真的不要輕忽。   ------------------------------------------------------------TALLAHASSEE, FL—Expressing satisfaction with the unexpected bump in his polling numbers, Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush confirmed Monday that he was astonished by how easily his stance on removing the Confederate flag from the South Carolina C...


The Unfinished - The New Yorker 示意圖(我可能不會愛你)                      有一個男的,沒考上大學,父母就給他找了個老婆結婚了,結婚後就在本村教書。由於不會說話,不到一周就被學生趕回了家。回到家後Wallace worried that he had been driven by a “basically vapid urge to be avant-garde . . . and linguistically calisthenic.” Credit Philip Burke The writer David Foster Wallace committed suicide on September 12th of last year. His wife, Karen Green, came h...
