the last house on the left bt

The Last Refuge - Official Site          Mission completed. (任務完成)  Shaun King and Deray Mckesson are ideological compatriots in the “Black Lives Matter” and “F**k The Police” crowd. In addition to being a paid professional agitator King also writes for Daily Kos and is friends with numerous left-wing media personalities....


The Botany of Desire: Based on the book by Michael Pollan: Lesson Plan - Control: Far Afield | PBS  手機夾小G      ACTIVITY STEPS DOMESTICATION MANIPULATION Put the following quotation on the board or projector: The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant: 'What good is it?' If the land mechanism as a whole is good, then every part is good ......


The Smirking Chimp | News And Commentary from the Vast Left-Wing Conspiracy          老兄你這是何苦呢?  Like frantic shoppers running down a last-minute list, Fox News talkers last week desperately tried to cobble together an inventory of reasons why racist gunman Dylann Roof may not have been primarily motivated by racism. As the conservative media anxious...


The Mudflats | News & Politics From The Upper Left Corner      Bird of the Week – Smith’s Longspur The bird species in Alaska that WC has probably worked hardest to photograph is the Smith’s Longspur. Uncommon, highly localized and skulky, WC has spent days and hiked miles to photograph these birds. It’s worth it, to...


The Rise of the New New Left - The Daily Beast  可憐的小動物們, 不過 他們怎麼進去的阿?                                   &nMaybe Bill de Blasio got lucky. Maybe he only won because he cut a sweet ad featuring his biracial son. Or because his rivals were either spectacularly boring, spectacularly pathological, or running for Michael Bloomberg’s fourth term. But I don’t think s...
