日本百萬男性追隨的戀愛教主把妹秘訣大公開:結合生物學+心理學+經濟效益,達陣率100 的40招追愛絕
The LEGO Movie - Brickipedia, the LEGO Wiki男人要看、女人更該看! 日本百萬男性追隨的戀愛教主,幫助那些心中還有「愛」卻找不到方法的迷途羔羊們。 「戀愛,其實是場機率遊戲,只要懂方法,就能用最小的努力得到最大的成果。」 給在愛情裡受挫、沒談過戀愛、想要更受異性歡迎、對自己沒自信的廣大男性們,也給想了解The LEGO Movie, which was originally named LEGO: The Piece of Resistance and then later was... ... Prologue “He is coming... Cover your butt.” ―Vitruvius In a universe made entirely out of LEGO bricks, an old wizard named Vitruvius attempts to protect an ...