為什麼中國人看不起iPhone6 ?看完笑死
15inno | Open innovation, innovation management & culture and the people side of innovation 1.心有餘而腎不足 不得不說iPhone的產品定價一直偏高,這就導致大部分人眼饞不及,紛紛調侃要“賣腎”,對於大多數工薪階層來說,購買iPhone手機不是明智之選,眾多價格更低的Android系統手機才應該是大多數人的首選。 2.不在中國首發 不少人在網絡A Free Book / Presentation: 7 Steps for Open Innovation I am happy to give you FREE access to a mini-book and a PowerPoint presentation deck for my framework on open innovation. You can download the free mini-book (PDF, 46 pages) here: 7 Steps for Open .....