the loose dogs

loose - definition of loose by The Free Dictionary話說,模仿名人的打扮,這樣的惡搞行為早已經不是什麼新鮮事了,   在ins上,模仿名人惡搞的網友就一抓一大把,比如我們今天要介紹的一個叫Emanuele Ferrari的小哥...   Emanuele Ferrari也被大家叫作Emi,他本身是一個意大利人,從2014年開始,這loose (lo os) adj. loos·er, loos·est 1. Not fastened, restrained, or contained: loose bricks. 2. Not taut, fixed, or rigid: a loose anchor line; a loose chair leg. 3. Free from confinement or imprisonment; unfettered: criminals loose in the neighborhood; ...


The Dog Training Secret -  之前,我們介紹過一個俄羅斯石油大亨,為了找老婆辦真人秀, 請自己5個子女當評委,從2000多個女生中選一個人當自己第六任妻子的節目。   最近,節目的最後一集播出了。 最終他們找到的這個「真命天女」, 確實可以說是,非常單純善良不做作的真愛了-。-   上圖的這個女How To Train Your Dog My “Hands Off” Dog Training Program can help you with… 1. Peeing and pooping in the house 2. Out-of-control barking and whining 3. Nipping, biting, and growling 4. Jumping on strangers and house guests 5. Pulling on the leash during ...


Abu Ghraib Abuse Photos - by news - 說起木村拓哉,可能不少00後和90後還不是很熟悉(好像暴露了自己的年齡...),簡單來說你可以把他想像成是一個在當年帥成神話的男人。     毫不誇張地說木村拓哉影響了一代人的審美,是80年代硬漢風到如今審美的過渡,但這個過渡即巔峰,後來應該很少有人可以超越他了。(講道理以現在More Photos Surface (updated June 11) (Warning: Graphic Photos Below) The Washington Post has released new photos along with new information about the use of dogs on prisoners. An unmuzzled dog appears to be used to frighten a detainee at Abu Ghraib ......


Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer's Most Controversial Topics網友爆料,本年度最奇葩的衣服誕生了!   這就是那件衣服,背面看沒問題,純藍色T恤,還可以   特麼的看正面是這樣.....T恤上粘了一件長袖襯衫?!   品牌是「巴黎世家」,這件「T恤襯衫」售價1290美元   再來仔細看看這貨     Cesar Millan, The Dog Whisperer is very popular for his leader of the pack dog training style. However, there are some who criticize Cesar Millan's techniques as inhumane and cruel to dogs. We examine popular topics from The Dog Whisperer program....


Dogsey - dog news, articles, guides and the worlds biggest dog forum! (以下圖片翻攝自秒拍影片截圖) 大吉大利,晚上吃雞。這是出現在《絕地求生:大逃殺》中獲得第一名會出現的台詞。想要吃雞除了自己擁有冷靜的思考,敏捷的身法,更重要的是要有一個“神隊友”,不過往往我們的隊友都是屬豬的... 比如這則視頻,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈,先讓我笑兩分鐘,一男子被敵Dogsey is one of the oldest and biggest dog websites around - we've hosted one of the worlds largest dog forums for over a decade. ... Yorkie, killed by a Seagull Nippy, 15-07-2015 - 05:59 PM in Dog News Man helps rescue dog with muzzle taped shut, legs t...


American Kennel Club - Official Site (以下圖片翻攝自秒拍影片截圖) 你知道我為什麼感冒了嗎?”“因為著涼了?” “不,因為我對你完全沒有抵抗力。” 不知道什麼時候開始我們開始流行“土味情話”,可以說土味這個東西真的是讓人又愛又恨,一方面嫌棄它土的掉渣Discover more things to enjoy with your dog with the American Kennel Club. Visit to find information on dog breeds, dog ownership, health, nutrition, exercise, training, behavior and grooming as well as news from AKC clubs, competitions and sporti...
