媽寶無主見連房事都要向父母匯報! 嫩妻暴怒提離婚...
Amazon.com: The Maze Runner (Book 1) (9780385737951): James Dashner: Books 日前,廣東省始興縣法院判決了壹宗離婚案,提起訴訟的是阿蘭和阿金。2011年他們經人介紹認識。婚後,妻子阿蘭發現,阿金為人缺乏主見,連行房事這種隱私都要向父母匯報。阿蘭覺得無法忍受,提出離婚。阿金沒有反對,只要求返還彩禮。 像阿金這樣,缺乏主見到這種地步,可算是奇葩壹朵了。雖然沒有更多資Grade 6–10—Thomas wakes up in an elevator, remembering nothing but his own name. He emerges into a world of about 60 teen boys who have learned to survive in a completely enclosed environment, subsisting on their own agriculture and supplies from below. A...