太震驚 國中生「生理成長知識」問卷結果 網友越看越興奮
The Best Places to Take Pictures in Provo (and the surrounding area) | Snippits Photography Blog今天在2ch論壇上有看到日本國中生身體「成長與生理知識」的問卷調查!看後簡直覺得自己小時候跟她們不是一個level的,到底是他們太早熟還是我太晚熟啊?我挑選了幾個比較精彩的問卷供大家參考....▼問卷調查剛開始還好...越到後面越露骨!!▼讓你立刻測毛...▼第一次什麼時候...有接近過半的人已經不Karin August 26, 2011 at 11:55 am My husband and I took our engagement pictures at the shops at the Riverwoods, and by some of the surrounding condos, and nature. Benches, bridges, cute store fronts and houses, trees, lamp posts…it made for a very cute .....