the pirates bay

The Pirate Bay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia真的差很多~!!!! The Pirate Bay has servers in both Belgium and Russia, for future use in case of another raid. According to The Pirate Bay, in the two years following the raid, it grew from 1 million to 2.7 million registered users and from 2.5 million to 12 million peer...


The Pirate Bay - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書不...別走啊!!! The Pirate Bay 係笪喺瑞典嘅快佬分享網站,裏頭擺咗同 track 啲 BT 快佬(.torrent),話自己係「世界至大嘅 BT tracker,The Pirate Bay 係至受歡迎網站 107 位。個站靠賣廣告維生。2003年11月由瑞士反版權組職 Piratbyrån(盜版社)搞出嚟,2004年10月成為 ......
