the reader

The Reader (2008) - IMDb 不要再說這種髮型很土很俗了!現在對於時髦有型的看法,在髮型的要求以強調俐落、服貼、清爽感為重點。雖然以前常會聽到別人說這是西裝頭、老派頭,沒想到已經轉變為當今最時尚性感的男性趨勢,怎麼看都特別地迷人搶眼,彷彿散發出一種英式優雅的型男魅力。像這類用梳子往後梳齊的髮型在中文我們會以俗稱「油頭」來命名,Directed by Stephen Daldry. With Ralph Fiennes, Jeanette Hain, David Kross, Kate Winslet. Post-WWII Germany: Nearly a decade after his affair with an older woman came to a mysterious end, law student Michael Berg re-encounters his former lover as she defe...


the reader - 相關部落格 說起台灣時尚多彩的夜生活很多人都會想到夜店,而Luxy又是夜店中堪稱執牛耳的代表聖地。究其原由,兩組專屬表演團隊Luxy Girls Crew和Luxy Boyz可說是Luxy步向巔峰缺一不可的動力推進器。Luxy Girls Crew表演中蘊含的性感、可愛、熱情、活力,不斷創新的舞台服裝,經過長...


Chicago Reader - News & Politics, Music & Nightlife, Arts & Culture, Film, Food & Drink, Blogs, Clas 卡爾大帝栽了?近日,以八卦著稱的TMZ 爆出消息稱,New Balance 準備起訴Karl Lagerfeld 個人品牌旗下一款鞋子整體抄襲其1300 型號鞋款的設計,且只不過是把字母N 換成了K,New Balance 希望藉此殺殺時尚界對其產品設計的抄襲之風,而似乎這也從側面證明了品牌的火爆Chicago news, culture & food. Music & nightlife. Entertainment guide. Event listings. Politics. Media. Plus classifieds: the best place to find a job, apartment, date, and more. ... Aimee Levitt takes a look at a growing self-discovery movement preoccupie...


The War Eagle Reader | Auburn's Daily Meta-Memoir 英國凱特王妃被認為是美麗和時尚的新標誌性人物,而她曾多次穿著ZARA洋裝出席公開活動,是ZARA的愛好者之一,而和凱特氣質相得益彰的ZARA,針對今年夏天最新推出Play project,要大家走出戶外,盡情共享歡愉時光!男裝、女裝、童裝大團結,模特兒們在倫敦攝政公園開心地Play,要大家一起LoColumns The Wishbone Podcast: Men in Auburn Polos John and Van look at this year’s squads of running backs, receivers,... The Ethics of Everything, All the Time This go-round, John Carvalho looks at how sports journalism ethics have changed... The Wishbon...


Chicago Reader | Film - Movie Reviews, Criticism, Showtimes, Events 來自美國的小帥哥 Ryker Wixom 今年只有四歲,不過模仿時尚雜誌的穿搭照片已經在網路上翻紅到再翻紅。而其中幕後的黑手就是 Ryker 的媽媽 Collette,身兼 Ryker 造型師與攝影師的她,起初拍照的動機就如同許多的父母喜歡將自家的寶貝照片放網路上一樣, Collette 在 InJ.R. Jones, Ben Sachs ... Legendary filmmaker Robert Altman wanted Corn's-a-Poppin' to be forgotten. And it was. Until a crew of cinephiles set about restoring the 1955 musical ......


Campaign for the American Reader 高以翔 時空的旅人 許騰方 滿腔的熱血 方大同 香港-源源不絕的靈感來源 社會新鮮人西服穿搭術 振奮感官的世足調酒 2014巴賽爾特別獎名單公布     執行、文字/ YenLin 攝影/ Ajerry Sung 模特兒/ Ryan(凱渥)、Sotaro(會星堂) 妝髮/AusOne title on the Telegraph's list of the fifteen best North American novels of all time: Moby-Dick Herman Melville (1851) “In landlessness alone resides highest truth, shoreless, indefinite as God,” says wandering sailor Ishmael, as he sets sail with veng...
