I'll Be There for You (The Rembrandts song) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (圖片翻攝自cforum) 綿羊Shrek是新西蘭農場主約翰(John Perriam)飼養的一隻美利奴羊(Merino),一天牠走丟了,而且一丟就是6年。當約翰再一次見到Shrek的時候,牠已經變成了霸氣外漏的「怪物」:長長的羊毛遮住了牠的眼睛和大半張臉,渾身上下如裹著厚重的毛毯,行動非常不便。"I'll Be There for You" is a song recorded by the American pop rock duo The Rembrandts. It is best known as the theme song to the American sitcom Friends, which premiered during 1994 and ended in 2004.[1] The song was also released as the first single fro...