Healthy Weight | The Nutrition Source | Harvard School of Public Health 今天要介紹這個妹子名叫Karolina Maria,今年21歲,來自挪威。 雖然年紀輕輕,Karolina已經是網上一個很有名氣的化妝師了,憑著自己的一雙巧手,她可以把自己打扮成各種精緻的樣子。 她經常在社交網站上分享自己的各種美妝心得,在網上人氣非常高 Maintain, Don’t Gain Maintaining a healthy weight is important for health. In addition to lowering the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure, it can also lower the risk of many different cancers. Move more, eat less. Turning off...