做自己還是沒禮貌 受封最不受歡迎Youtuber 愛亂炒作攻擊人的網紅胖虎倒讚十一萬奪冠
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia蔡康永曾說過做自己還是沒禮貌,就在一線之間,這句話套用在最近的Youtuber生態,也讓人省思,先是最近因為拍攝惡搞女性約砲事件的bump男人幫,因為影片物化女性,惹得全民公敵,雖bump事後道歉,影片是強調約砲是有危險性的,但因為Dog的不當發言和影片沒有解釋清楚,引來將近三千多則留言罵聲,隨後影"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" (1939) is a short story by James Thurber. The most famous of Thurber's stories, it first appeared in The New Yorker on March 18, 1939, and was first collected in his book My World and Welcome to It (Harcourt, Brace and Co...