the skeleton dance

The Skeleton Dance - YouTube 12:37你就這樣給我射出來哦T_T 這種處理會氣出人命來....我快被他給煩死....但那男的好好笑XDD 我喜歡長沙口音哈哈,但女的根本神經病==  A super simple song for learning parts of the body. Great for Halloween, or anytime of the year! iTunes: Amazon: Google Play: ***** For...


The Skeleton Dance (1929) - IMDbFacebook口味的冰淇淋   'Facebook'會是什麼味道的呢?克羅地亞穆爾特島的迪斯諾小鎮上,這家'Valentino'冰淇淋商店的兩位老闆匠心獨運,推出了Facebook風味冰淇淋。 老闆之一的​​Admir Adil發現自己15歲的女兒天天沒完沒了地刷臉書,靈光乍現之下,他就Directed by Walt Disney. The clock strikes midnight, the bats fly from the belfry, a dog howls at the full moon, and two black cats fight in the cemetery: a perfect time for four skeletons to come out and dance a bit....


The Skeleton Dance - Kids songs, ABCs, videos, & free flashcards from Super Simple   笑死我了哈哈哈可憐的小孩XDDDKey Gesture Skeleton dance - Lift your elbows up. Raise one hand. Then lower your hand while raising the other. Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. [Skeleton dance.] Dem bones, dem bones, dem dancing bones. [Skeleton dance. Move to the right.]...
