the time is now asha ali

Now the Pressure Is on Roger Goodell. Poor Commissioner. - NYTimes.com誰住在深海的大鳳梨裡~~??? Brady refused to turn over his cellphone or texts from that time, although his resistance did not buy him precisely the separation he might have hoped for. Now Goodell faces complexities. Should the commissioner suspend Brady for a game or three, he risks...


Azerbaijan Is Rich. Now It Wants to Be Famous. - NYTimes.com不久前iPhone 5的上市再度引起果粉的狂熱追捧,喬布斯一手推出的iPhone 無疑是技術革新的大牌。下面介紹的10種近期發明,雖然可能沒有一種能讓眾人矚目,但是它們依然給人啟發。 1、給蝙蝠生的機會:風力渦輪機的一大罪行就是它們每年要殺死上千隻鳥和蝙蝠。現在加利福尼亞一位89高齡的退休工程師RaIn March 2010, Ibrahim Ibrahimov was on the three-hour Azerbaijan Airlines flight from Dubai to Baku when he had a vision. “I wanted to build a city, but I didn’t know how,” Ibrahimov recalled. “I closed my eyes, and I began to imagine this project.” Ibra...


Al Stewart - Year of the cat - YouTube 今天看了一則小故事: 男:“從前有兩個人,一個叫我愛你,一個叫我不愛你。有一天我不愛你死了,還剩下什麼?” 女:“哼,要是我說了,你就我說想你表白呢!” 男:“不會的~” 女:好吧,剩下我愛你。 男:恩,我也愛你! 女:討厭!The version with the piano solo in the beginning. Lyrics: On a morning from a Bogart movie In a country where they turn back time You go strolling through the crowd like Peter Lorre Contemplating a crime She comes out of the sun in a silk dress running Li...


Sport | The Times 【測試女生的反應】 據說有80%女生洗澡時都自慰,有20%女生洗澡時都唱歌。   一男生聽到後回學校問一女同學:“你知道那20%的女生在唱什麼歌嗎?” 女同學:“不知道。” 男生哦了一聲就笑著走開了,旁邊聽到的人也笑了。 女同學見大家都在笑Leading figures in world football spoke last night of a “dark day” for the sport after Sepp Blatter emerged from a turbulent week to secure his fifth term as president of Fifa. Despite the chaos surrounding his organisation, which is at the centre of an F...
