Now the Pressure Is on Roger Goodell. Poor Commissioner. - NYTimes.com在男女同居已經非常普遍的現代社會,我的觀念倒是始終如一,在未婚的時候我不曾同居也不愛同居。除了我個人即使在戀愛中仍然非常喜歡保有隱私和神秘感之外,也是因為我不是一個熱戀時需要每分每秒黏在一起的情人。以下提供我不同居的四大理由,也許大家可以參考檢視一下自己適不適合同居吧!相愛容易相處難,我想要簡單一點Brady refused to turn over his cellphone or texts from that time, although his resistance did not buy him precisely the separation he might have hoped for. Now Goodell faces complexities. Should the commissioner suspend Brady for a game or three, he risks...