the truth that you leave 琴譜

The Truth Seeker - The Truthseeker: Behind the headlines – conspiracies, cover-up小孩:「打針之前為什麼要給我擦棉球?」 父親:「那可是酒精啊,她們要先把你屁股擦醉,再扎就不 疼了。」 小孩:「可我還是疼啊?」 父親:「那是你的酒量大。」 Adverts LA Canadian Publisher Faces Jail for Political Writings! Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word Operation Midas If you think that gold bars and other items made of gold are a bulwark or safeguard against...


The Ugly Truth | Zionism, Jewish extremism and a few other nasty items making our world uninhabitabl一個財務專業顧問收到新印的名片後,氣急敗壞地打電話向印刷廠抗議… 「你們搞什麼鬼?我的名片印成『專業顧門』,少了一個口啦!」 「對不起對不起,我們馬上幫您重印!」 數日後,重新印的名片寄來了…務專業顧問看了更氣 上面頭銜印著「專業顧門口」!Zionism, Jewish extremism and a few other nasty items making our world uninhabitable today ... Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 3,834 other followers...


Wake Up From Your Slumber ! - The Truth Will Set You Free有一個年輕人,覺得任何工作都太辛苦了。他做過的每份工作,從來沒有超過十天。 他的父親因此感到十分苦惱,也非常擔心,四處請求朋友代為留意合適的工作機會。 終於有一天,一位朋友帶來了一個好消息。他為這年輕人找到了一份非常輕鬆的工作:年輕人什麼都不必做,只要每天坐在椅子上,就算完成這一天的工作。 這工作是Following the heavy coverage of AIPAC’s (the virulently pro-Israeli government lobby) multi-day annual Washington convention in March, the mainstream media might have been interested for once in covering alternative viewpoints like those discussed at the ...


Stand Up For The Truth - Equipping, Empowering, & Connecting Christians to know and stand on God's W        一位生命垂危的先生在交待遺囑... 先生:臨死前,我有一個心願,妳能為我做到嗎? 妻子:是什麼心願?你儘管說,我一定幫你完成 先生:我死後,希望妳嫁給隔壁的老王 妻子:為什麼? 先生:那個混帳東What drives our choices on whom we stand up for, whom we vote for and whom we trust? These days for Christians, having a biblical worldview tells the world that there’s something about you that raises red flags. Suddenly, you are the dangerous one. There ...


The Truth About Emotional Affairs | Michele Weiner-Davis有一天,草莓和人類走在路上,突然有一台車衝了過來,草苺被撞死了,人類就笑她說:「哈哈!草莓醬!」草莓聽了很生氣,便詛咒他說:「詛咒你一定被車撞到!!詛咒你一定被車撞到!!......」不久人類果然被撞死了,草莓笑他說:「哈哈!!人渣!!」Even if two people are not engaged in a physical relationship, the emotional attachment can threaten the very foundation and fabric of the marriage.... ... "I don't know why you're so uptight. He and I are just friends." "We never discuss anything persona...


The Truth That You Leave 琴譜 - 影片搜尋        長得又胖又安全的中年婦人,跑到交通警察面前說:「有個無聊男子一直在後面跟蹤我。」 警察對中年婦人打量了一下,「我想他可能一時喝醉了,等一下就沒事了!」     ...
