the truth that you leave 譜

The Truth Seeker - The Truthseeker: Behind the headlines – conspiracies, cover-up   ---------------------------------靠北男友原文:我和交往了五年的男友都是高雄的*苑科大的學生,男友A大我一屆所以已經畢業在當兵了,我目前是快畢業的大四Adverts LA Canadian Publisher Faces Jail for Political Writings! Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word Operation Midas If you think that gold bars and other items made of gold are a bulwark or safeguard against...


The Ugly Truth | Zionism, Jewish extremism and a few other nasty items making our world uninhabitabl    不知為何這篇看起來既讓人很有感觸,但又有點好笑XD 網友回應: 讓我想到一廣告詞:「有些事,不做不會怎樣,做了很不一樣!!」 XDDDDD 原po要是有心要約應該願意的男生都排到墾丁了!   只好跟無緣帥前男友說掰掰....!!! ---------------Zionism, Jewish extremism and a few other nasty items making our world uninhabitable today ... Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Join 3,834 other followers...


The Truth Will Set You Free    看完有點臉紅紅的....   原po你不會愛上你同學了吧.....   ------------------------------------ 原PO: 我有個奇葩同學 他長的普通 白白凈凈 單眼皮小眼睛 平常蠻害羞的 但是!!! 他有個癖好 就是喜Hello, friends. I'm back, after a very long hiatus, some of which I spent, more recently, blogging out of the closet, if you will, on Facebook (yes! of all places!), as MY REAL SELF, the disclosure of which I will leave for another occasion. But, I won't ...


Wake Up From Your Slumber ! - The Truth Will Set You Free 示意圖非當事人 圖翻攝自 china.com下同 近日,在網路上流傳著一段「為何韓國男人的手,永遠都不會碰到韓國女人?」的說法,許多人議論紛紛,看法不同!就連長期台灣韓國兩地往返的人都不明白這其中的含義~ 到底韓國男人為什麼都不會碰到女人的身體?我們就先來Following the heavy coverage of AIPAC’s (the virulently pro-Israeli government lobby) multi-day annual Washington convention in March, the mainstream media might have been interested for once in covering alternative viewpoints like those discussed at the ...


Stand Up For The Truth - Equipping, Empowering, & Connecting Christians to know and stand on God's W 圖帆攝自 下同 相信各位從海賊王《頂上戰爭篇》那邊,對於「原王下七武海」克洛克達爾的看法又有稍稍的改變了!雖然他在海軍總部時的戰力表現沒有當時在沙國時那麼兇猛,但整體來說,表現已經讓人大吃一驚了!而克洛克達爾也算是作品中少數擁有高人氣的反派角色,為此日本媒體還What drives our choices on whom we stand up for, whom we vote for and whom we trust? These days for Christians, having a biblical worldview tells the world that there’s something about you that raises red flags. Suddenly, you are the dangerous one. There ...


The Truth About Emotional Affairs | Michele Weiner-Davis   ▲示意圖,與本文無關,翻攝自jingdianju  twoeggz       (翻攝自toutiao,下同)     ▲(圖片和文章無關)   我現在非常痛苦,想離婚,可肚子裡面還有一個小孩,家裡人都罵Even if two people are not engaged in a physical relationship, the emotional attachment can threaten the very foundation and fabric of the marriage.... ... "I don't know why you're so uptight. He and I are just friends." "We never discuss anything persona...
