The Truth Will Set You Free 我們常怕打擾別人,而忽略要打個電話問候對方, 久而久之,漸漸疏遠、漸漸陌生...直到有一天,連對方的電話號碼都忘了...或者,怕對方早忘了你,而沒有勇氣再打電話給他了....我想現代人應該都是寂寞的吧?因為我總覺得寂寞。寂寞,與有沒有人陪在身邊,無關。 那是一種心靈上的空虛Hello, friends. I'm back, after a very long hiatus, some of which I spent, more recently, blogging out of the closet, if you will, on Facebook (yes! of all places!), as MY REAL SELF, the disclosure of which I will leave for another occasion. But, I won't ...