Caroline Winberg
The Truth Will Set You Free出生在Sollentuna , 瑞典卡羅琳溫貝里。 溫貝里,一個假小子和有抱負的職業足球運動員,在她的青春索爾納AIK的從北斯德哥爾摩郊區,是足球訓練的途中,當球探塞薩爾Wintland發現了15歲,並建議她考慮在建模的職業生涯。 溫貝里在16歲開始她的模特生涯,一年後Hello, friends. I'm back, after a very long hiatus, some of which I spent, more recently, blogging out of the closet, if you will, on Facebook (yes! of all places!), as MY REAL SELF, the disclosure of which I will leave for another occasion. But, I won't ...