The Vine Church - Official Site 這艘巨輪2012年1月在意大利托斯卡納區近海沉沒。船長在考慮不周的情況拜訪當地居民,結果導致有4200名乘客的科斯塔-肯考迪亞號游船在吉廖島附近水域撞上岩石,隨後擱淺,致使32人死亡。 科斯塔-肯考迪亞號游船現在斜躺在一個水下暗礁上。工作人員已在水下建造一個平台,目的是他們用升降機和纜繩把這艘巨輪Welcome to The Vine. An International Hong Kong Church where you are invited to encounter God's Presence, Passion and Purpose in and through you. ... We’ve had a lot of breaks but this will be our last one before we launch into a beautiful July, August an...