Grease- You're the one that I want [HQ+lyrics] - YouTube沒有幾個男人能了解女人的萬種風情,心想我整天累死累活地忙著,還不全都是為了你和這個家,可回來你還要讓我聽那些沒完沒了的嘮叨,可是,如果你不擠出點時間陪她說會兒話,就算你賺回再多的銀子,也是吃力不討好的。那麼男人應該花多長時間陪女人呢? 作為一個長期關注婚姻情感的男人,很多讀者在看了我的情感文章之後,I do not own anything. Copyright of Paramount Pictures. B= boy/ Danny G=Girl/Sandy B: both G: Tell me about it stud! B: I got chills. They're multiplyin'. And I'm losin' control. 'Cause the power you're supplyin', it's electrifyin'! G: You better shape up...