The Wolf of Wall St. - Official Site1、價格不會太高,檔次不會太低。 2、既然是快餐,遇到青蛙男或恐龍妹時可以馬上打包走人,遇到美眉或帥哥也可以慢慢吃! 3、味道全球統一,不會吃不慣。 4、衛生情況還可以,不會有吃到蒼蠅、蟑螂、老鼠等的尷尬場面。 5、人比較多,遇到青蛙男或恐龍妹想開溜時還可以很有風度地說:「我們走吧,把位置讓給別人!Official movie site for The Wolf of Wall Street, starring Leonardo DiCaprio. In theaters December 25! ... Born in Mexico City in 1965, RODRIGO PRIETO, ASC, AMC (Director of Photography) is the son of a Mexican father and an American mother from Montana....