the woman 電影

In the Land of Women (2007) - IMDb老兄...你嘛幫幫忙吧,有人會這樣搭訕嗎? Directed by Jon Kasdan. With Elena Anaya, Adam Brody, Kelsey Keel, Danielle Savre. L.A. soft-porn writer Carter Webb is frustrated enough, after his actress girlfriend dumps him, to need a serious break. He decides to spend it with his grandmother, who ca...


Native Actors Walk off Set of Adam Sandler Movie After Insults to Women, Elders - ICTMN.com蜘蛛人的那張真是太屌了!!! Hard to believe Adam Sandler would allow this fiasco to occur in his movies and on his set. He seems so likeable. I guess you never know until something like this happens. Jennifer Aniston surprised me with the "off the reservation" remark she made in a m...


The Woman Formerly Known as Beautiful | Scribe. Tart. Provocateur.眼花撩亂了~~~ TheWomanFormerlyKnownAsBeautiful is the personal blog of Shannon Bradley-Colleary; scribe. tart. provocateur. ... What Women Like In Bed, From The Most Interesting Man In The World Excerpt: “A woman demanding (however subtly) to be dominated and ......
