ThinkPad W530 Mobile Workstation: Portable Laptop - Free Shipping | Lenovo US昨天我生日,跟兩個高中同學出來吃飯聊聊天後來聊到高中時的數學老師這個人實在太有梗,來出賣他一下XDDD=========以上騙批幣==============事件一:老師非常喜歡把泡麵當科學麵吃有時候課上到一半肚子餓了他就說「你們做一下這裡的題目,老師很快就回來!」然後跑去辦公室拿碗公裝泡麵(乾的)In raw performance, the Lenovo ThinkPad® W530 is a class apart combining the power of a workstation with the portability of a laptop. The ThinkPad® W530 offers a wide choice of the latest 3rd Generation Intel® Core Dual, Quad, and Extreme processors—for ....