爆胎洩氣怎麼辦....失壓續跑胎 防穿刺膠是啥黑科技?
ThinkPad X230 Laptop - Assembled in the USA | Lenovo US▲目前已有廠商推出防穿刺膠條產品,只要塗抹於輪胎內側便能防止破孔漏氣。 任誰都不想遇上爆胎顧路等事情,但只要事先有準備輪胎相關救援工具,即使發生突發狀況也能快速輕鬆自救。一般配有備胎的車輛僅提供千斤頂與拆卸工具,我們建議可以額外再準備補胎劑、胎壓錶與充氣機產品,如此一來就算輪胎僅是輕微遭異物洩氣,也The ThinkPad X230 is a high performance thin and light business laptop built for mobility and ease of use. ... The Lenovo® ThinkPad® X230 offers the power and expansive feature set of a full-size laptop in a thin and lightweight ultraportable.ThinkPad® X2...