this is your life do what you love and do it often

What Do You Do, Dear? - because life is full of surprises ▲粉絲見到偶像本人時總是會特別緊張。(source:photobucket)     大家好,吉編又來了! 見到自己的偶像一面是許多粉絲的願望,公司看準這個商機舉辦了各式大大小小的簽名會、握手會和見面會等等也是常有的事。但如果你不僅可以見到偶像本人,還能跟他擁抱呢?大概會覺得此All about them books (a parody for desperate librarians) May 26, 2015 By Mary Evelyn 19 Comments I am drowning, you guys. I wish I could say I was drowning in love, or pudding, or a whiskey river– but, no. I’m drowning in overdue notices. Lots and lots of...


Gala Darling - Official Site話說,網絡上有很多做惡作劇的視頻, 比如假裝自己手被刀扎到了嚇唬奶奶啊,假裝自己會變魔術騙老伴啊,偷偷換掉室友的洗髮水啊……相信大家都看過不少……   到真相大白的時候,被整的人又好氣又好笑,作俑者樂不可支, 這些都算是惡作劇視頻的幽N o matter who you are, we all have bad days from time to time. It’s a natural and normal part of life. However, even though your sadness might be screaming at you to stay inside and never wash your hair again, you still have the ability to do something t...


You can’t detox your body. It’s a myth. So how do you get healthy? | Life and style | The Guardian來源:普象工業設計小站(微信號:iamdesign) 作為奢侈品中極其奢華的頂尖品牌,現在也常常被小年輕們用來形容各個領域裡逼格最高最頂級的東西。 今天就為大家介紹一下各界商品中的「愛馬仕」,大家自行感受一下吧,有些你還真買得起!   冰箱界的愛馬仕——SMEG 成Whether it’s cucumbers splashing into water or models sitting smugly next to a pile of vegetables, it’s tough not to be sucked in by the detox industry. The idea that you can wash away your calorific sins is the perfect antidote to our fast-food lifestyle...


What Is Love? 40 Words That Define It - Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post    讓我告訴你什麼叫360度無死角!無需PS的女神! 據說她整容整了7年,歷經千刀萬剮,現在是挺美… (文末有福利! 有福利! 福利!)       那她以前是什麼樣子呢? 以前我看的是整容手術的視頻,現在 我給截屏了。  Love is such a powerful emotion and the combination of so many different feelings and circumstances that it can be difficult to boil it down to just one single word. On Thursday, we presented that challenge to our followers on Twitter and Facebook, asking...


TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life - TV Tropes 經常一大早去上班,剛進辦公室的大門,就能聽見我的兩位美女拍檔在二樓鏡子前比試身材的對話,胖了瘦了都是小事,話題的焦點往往都集中在腿上,我就納了悶了,這腿粗點細點你們倆三五天的就能看出個變化嗎?儘管答案是肯定不會, 但每次都快要被她們的一句「你覺得我腿細了嗎?」的問題折磨的死去活來。   The TV Tropes Will Ruin Your Life trope as used in popular culture. A common complaint of people who take courses like Media or Film studies is that they … ... A common complaint of people who take courses like Media or Film studies is that they never loo...


Marie Forleo - Official Site 「無聲恐怖」(Silent Horror)漫畫又里了,雖然沒有台詞,但是有些故事還是蠻滲人的,不要說我沒提醒你!   【闖入者】                       &nMarie Forleo has been featured by Oprah as a thought leader for the next generation. She’s here to help you create a business and life you love. ... “Oh boy, do I even have anything worthwhile to say?” “Nobody’s going to want to read this anyway. What’s t...
