Thor (Thor Odinson) - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios. 最近看到一個聽說是小女孩的塗鴉日記.. 我們常說動物和小孩子比較容易看見來自另一個世界的……朋友,國外圖文社群imgur就流傳一篇小女孩的塗鴉日記,真的是嚇死我的毛,就是不知道到底是真的小孩畫的還是....?? 到底有多可怕,往下看了你就知道 With the frequent shifting of identities between godly and human forms, and the sharing of his power, Thor was left mentally unbalanced for a time. Sif began to suspect Thor was falling prey to the incurable "Warrior’s Madness" and, along with Beta Ray Bi...