Thor (Marvel Comics) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia作者:英國那些事兒 原文標題:一公一母倆白狗卻生出了一窩黑狗... 這,當爹的好像也是有點心塞 這位狗主人家裡,養了一隻叫Mocca的狗狗。 Mocca白白凈凈的, 狗主人和她的家人都特別喜歡它,平時也完全當小公舉待著。 就在前段During the events of the 2010 "Siege" storyline, Thor defends Asgard against an invasion by Norman Osborn and his Dark Avengers. Although the invasion force is ultimately defeated, Asgard itself is toppled by the Sentry, who also kills Loki. Thor then kil...