Thor: The Dark World | Thor | Movies | Marvel.com有一天,神創造了一頭牛。神對牛說:“你要整天在田裡替農夫耕田,供應牛奶給人類飲用。你要工作直至日落,而你只能吃草。我給你50年的壽命。” 牛抗議道: “我這麼辛苦,還只能吃草,我只要20年壽命,餘下的還給你。” 神答應了。 &nbsMarvel’s "Thor: The Dark World," now on Blu-ray 3D Combo Pack, Blu-ray, DVD, Digital HD and Digital 3D, continues the big screen adventures of Thor, the Mighty Avenger, as he battles to save Earth and all the Nine Realms from a shadowy enemy that ......