Thor (film) - Marvel Movies Wiki - Wolverine, Iron Man 2, Thor男孩和女孩終於結婚了,好久賓客們才走。兩人在床上聊了好久,熄燈前,男孩一本正經的說:我可以答應你任何事,但你也必須答應我一件事。女孩柔聲道:你先說來聽聽。男孩欲言又止。過了一會兒,男的說:你什麼都可以碰,但床下的小白箱你要發誓永遠都不許打開。女孩心中一緊,難道他有什麼瞞著我?不對啊,他工資卡,銀行卡Thor is a 2011 film adapted from the Marvel comics superhero of the same name, created by Stan... ... Thor is a 2011 film adapted from the Marvel comics superhero of the same name, created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. It is the fourth film in the Marvel Ci...