The Scent Critic這套美麗婚紗的製作過程絕對教你嘆為觀止!!造價非常便宜~~ 看完我驚呆了!! 它竟然是用衛生紙做成的!!!太誇張了!! 而且最困難的地方是製作者養的一隻貓會隨時在旁邊搞破壞~~哈哈 看完是不是覺得她真的太厲害了呢?? 這婚紗應該滿脆弱的,一扯就全毀呀~~~ One of The Scent Critic’s favourite smells in the world is a flower shop: the damp, mossy, earthy scent that assails and delights me upon stepping over the threshold of, say, Kenneth Turner in London, or Christian Tortu (in Paris), or the fabulous little ...