Intel brings more bandwidth and USB-C compatibility to Thunderbolt 3 | PCWorld ▲讓人震驚的男孩。(source:twitter,下同) 大家好,我是小白兔~相信大家都認同「成功不是一蹴可幾,而是經過了長年的等待和準備的結果」這句話吧?很多人都以為成功靠的好機會,但是如果你沒有實力,你怎麼把握住這個好機會呢? 當然笑話也是一樣,有些笑話就是越久越好笑,你相信嗎?Thunderbolt's not dead—even though Apple, once its a biggest proponent, left it out of the new 12-inch MacBook, and USB 3.0 and USB 3.1 have proliferated because of their low cost. With ThunderboIt 3, introduced by Intel during the Computex tradeshow in T...