Grazie – Prego | Italian Language Blog - Transparent.com Blogs | Transparent Language通常,一個男孩想要追求女孩,並不會那麼順利 他要花很多時間,跨越很遠的距離,穿過許多的...呃,蘋果機 由烏克蘭樂團Brunettes Shoot Blondes創作的這個名為《敲門》的MV,通過串聯14個蘋果設備,講述一個愛情故事,形式可謂新穎 點擊觀看:Grazie: Thank you. This, along with the corresponding reply 'prego', is one of the first words learnt by students of Italian. Let's take a closer look at these ... Salve Jeannet! Allora, ‘ma ti pare’ is a friendly form to say ‘prego’. ‘Benvenuto’ (and not...