幹 超衰 我不演斷背山啊
Tigerair Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia幹 超衰 我不演斷背山啊 剛剛都在洗褲子 真他媽衰洨!!!!!!! 在會議室喝優酪乳的人真的有夠機掰 都說了不能喝東西 你他媽就要偷偷摸摸躲在角落喝~ 對台上的人有夠不尊重 不被發現還好 但糟糕的是 還打翻被發現 更積掰的是 打翻到我褲子上!!!! 幹 吝杯的levi's啊!!! 情急Tiger Airways Australia Pty Ltd, operating as Tigerair Australia, is an Australian low-cost airline. It commenced services in the Australian domestic airline market on 23 November 2007 as Tiger Airways Australia. It is a joint venture between Tiger Airway...