tim berners-lee

Tim Berners-Lee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 還記得那年在樹下軍訓嗎?教練對同學們說:「第一排報數!」你驚訝地看著教練,教練又大聲說了一便:「報數!」於是,你極不情願地轉過身去抱住了樹!  > >  > >  > > 最新消息:非典的主要傳播途徑是流通的貨幣,為了您和您家人的健康,清整理好您家全部現金並用塑料袋密Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee, OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA, DFBCS (born 8 June 1955), also known as "TimBL", is a British computer scientist, best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web. He made a proposal for an information management system in M...


Tim Berners-Lee - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) 有個小女孩很喜歡穿裙子,他每天都會到河邊玩,這天他在河邊遇到一位畫家... 畫家:妹妹你爬到樹上讓我畫好嗎 女孩:不要~ 畫家:我給你100元 小女孩很快答應了! 回家跟媽媽炫燿說他賺了錢... 媽媽說:挨唷~你難道不知道他要看你的內褲嗎Tim Berners-Lee Biography A graduate of Oxford University, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, an internet-based hypermedia initiative for global information sharing while at CERN, the European Particle Physics Laboratory, in 1989. He wrote the f...


Longer Bio for Tim Berners-Lee - World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)[一般] 3x7公車記事 晚上6:30 台北車站人正多的時候,公車人都塞的滿滿滿,尤其是3x7 我跟朋友兩個人帶著要用來做結力作業的材料上了人擠人的公車, 其中有一根長大約一米六的鋁管, 因為人多到不行,我們只好把它直立著放,並一起抓好不讓它倒下。雖然這裡不是Sir Timothy Berners-Lee OM, KBE, FRS, FREng, FRSA Longer Biography For those who want details for some reason. This is more or less a collection of everything which has been asked for to date. Background In 1989, while working at at CERN, the ......


Tim Berners-Lee - ibiblio - The Public's Library and Digital Archive 老師在課堂上教導學生好的禮貌,提出下面的問題問她學生:“麥可,如果你約了喜歡的女朋友一起晚餐,當你想上廁所時你要怎麼說?”“我去撒個尿就來。這是粗魯不禮貌的說法”“大偉,你會怎麼說?”老師說“真的很抱歉!但我真的要I nternet Pioneers Tim Berners-Lee The World Wide Web (WWW) is so ubiquitous that it seems strange to think that it has only been around for a few years. Indeed, use of the WWW became widespread in the mid 1990's, but its ......


Tim Berners-Lee: The next web | Talk Video | TED.com◇導 尿 器◇> 有一個女人到藥房.她對老闆說:「老闆.我要導尿器」> 於是.老闆就拿出各式各樣的導尿器.並且詳盡說明用法> > 最後.女人一臉疑惑的告訴老闆:> > 「老闆.我是說要 " 毒老鼠 " (台語)」> > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*20 years ago, Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. For his next project, he's building a web for open, linked data that could do for numbers what the Web did for words, pictures, video: unlock our data and reframe the way we use it together....


Tim Berners-Lee: The year open data went worldwide | Talk Video | TED.com有一個上班族。 有一天出門上班的時候,他在街上看到一個老太太。 很奇怪的,老太太的印堂居然發黑,上班族覺得很好奇,就跟著老太太後面。 沒想到老太太在過馬路的時候,被砂石車撞死了第二天,上班族又出門上班了。這次他在捷運站裡面看到一個面色蒼白的中年人, 印堂也跟老太太一樣發黑。上班族跟著中年人進了電車,At TED2009, Tim Berners-Lee called for "raw data now" -- for governments, scientists and institutions to make their data openly available on the web. At TED University in 2010, he shows a few of the interesting results when the data gets linked up....
