Apple CEO Tim Cook on Google Glass: ‘We always thought it would flop’ | 9to5Google 韓國美女近幾年來已經攻占了整個亞洲市場,大家也都見識到韓國妹妹的威力!之前Mabee介紹過一堆日系的美女,今天換一下口味介紹韓系巨乳~Mabee小編:有沒有覺得韓國的美女大家臉蛋都好像一整個清秀,不囉嗦!讓大家一起正視一下韓國妹妹攻佔亞洲的決心吧~ 【本文出處,更多精采內容請上www.JUKSY.While Google’s mantra with Glass was to actually help technology get out of the way, allowing its users quick glance access to necessary information, Tim Cook apparently believes that the device doesn’t come close to accomplishing that. Rather, Cook took ...