time 2013 best inventions

The Cronut | The 25 Best Inventions of the Year 2013 | TIME.com 圖片截自dcard下同 現在交友軟體盛行,許許多多的大學生都有在玩 甚至有些不擅與人交際的也寄望著可以考交友軟體遇到心儀的對象 而交友軟體種類千奇百怪,這篇文章網友用的就是一種用"聊的" 有別於一般用打字的,這個通訊軟體可以直接聽到對方的聲音 而根據原PO在dcard上發表的這篇文章 他原本晚上無Carolyn Griffin for TIME cronut In 2013 a new fusion food joined the ranks of the ice cream cake and the turducken. The cronut—made of croissant-style pastry that’s fried like a doughnut, filled with cream and topped with glaze—transfixed foodies when New...


The 3Doodler | The 25 Best Inventions of the Year 2013 | TIME.com跟一個正妹朋友聊天,他上週剛分手。但她知道分手是必然的結果,所以她沒有心情低落,就只是悶悶的。而很多男生朋友就會想載她回家,約她去走走,上山看夜景,或是到海邊踏浪等等。甚至有打給她想跟她聊整晚,送東西給她吃等等。我這時跟她說:『人正真好』,要是我失戀大概沒人理我。 她說這一點都不好,你根本不懂這樣壓Andrew B. Myers for TIME The 3Doodler is a new kind of pen that doodles in three dimensions instead of two. Essentially it works like a 3-D printer, melting and cooling colored plastic to create rigid, freestanding structures in any shape imaginable (sort...


Best Inventions of 2006 - TIME - TIME - Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos,isCar! 因氣候不穩定,全台近日連日大雨,大華為了工作必須駕車前往南部出差,不料卻因天雨路滑煞車不及與前方開著自小客車的小明在國道發生追撞車禍。所幸的是雙方都沒有受傷,僅是車子毀損而已。大華自知理虧,馬上答應賠償小明車子修理費的所有損失,希望能迅速解決這件事情。 Q1:發生車禍可否自行和解了事?A sexy hybrid, a solar powered catamaran and a submarine for two are a few new ways to get around land or sea More...


Invention - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  戀愛跟婚姻的差別,很多人都說,熱戀時愛情可能是一時的衝動,而愛情的永恆根本不是這樣!那我們在談戀愛的時候,又怎麼知道這只是單純的熱戀,還是真愛呢?看看這15張圖,也許能透露一點端倪? 左:熱戀→在亂糟糟的時刻,他會鼓勵你 右:愛情→他會體諒你很累,主動幫你清掃 熱戀An invention is a unique or novel device, method, composition or process. The invention process is a process within an overall engineering and product development process. It may be an improvement upon a machine or product, or a new process for creating a...


[ HD ] [ LYRICS ] Six Part Invention - Time Machine - YouTube (source:Dcard,下同)   台灣常有草食男搭上肉食女的組合,這時候男生難免被懷疑有沒有足夠的男子氣概可以滿足女生,這時候女生該怎麼替男友證明才好呢? Dcard有名男網友自稱自己是草食男,有天因為和女友借手機意外發現女友閨蜜群組裡竟然在討論他的事情,他忍不住偷看了。 ▼他女友original composition by Kennard Faraon source: philpopmusic youtube channel very good music with sweet lyrics and catchy melody, this song will make you fall in love d i s c l a i m e r : I do not own the music. For entertainment purposes only. credits to...


George Saunders Has Written the Best Book You’ll Read This Year - NYTimes.com (source:boredpanda,下同)   在亞洲國家裡,老了意味著安養和休息,也不好意思在外面曬恩愛。可是對美國的老人夫婦來說可不是這麼一回事! 美國的老人夫婦們認為,當他們在嘗試一些不平凡的新奇事物或者玩樂時,就是替彼此增加回憶並且延長愛的感覺。 他們喜歡在日常生活中一起探索一In a little sushi restaurant in Syracuse, George Saunders conceded that, sure, one reality was that he and I were a couple guys talking fiction and eating avocado salad and listening to Alanis Morissette coming from the speaker above our heads. Another wa...
