The Cronut | The 25 Best Inventions of the Year 2013 | TIME.com 圖片截自dcard下同 現在交友軟體盛行,許許多多的大學生都有在玩 甚至有些不擅與人交際的也寄望著可以考交友軟體遇到心儀的對象 而交友軟體種類千奇百怪,這篇文章網友用的就是一種用"聊的" 有別於一般用打字的,這個通訊軟體可以直接聽到對方的聲音 而根據原PO在dcard上發表的這篇文章 他原本晚上無Carolyn Griffin for TIME cronut In 2013 a new fusion food joined the ranks of the ice cream cake and the turducken. The cronut—made of croissant-style pastry that’s fried like a doughnut, filled with cream and topped with glaze—transfixed foodies when New...