time domain

Ultra Wideband Ranging, Communications, & Radar | Time Domain   冰箱東西就那些 硬是要看一下XDUNLEASH THE FULL POWER OF UWB It has long been accepted that Ultra Wideband (UWB) technology is the key to providing superior real time precise location of people and assets, but Time Domain is the first to unleash ......


Time domain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia    這隻鳥好特別...   但我被蒙蔽了!!Time domain is the analysis of mathematical functions, physical signals or time series of economic or environmental data, with respect to time. In the time domain, the signal or function's value is known for all real ......


Time Domain-電子工程專輯 - 提供和分析最新產業資訊與 ...      電子工程專輯提供相關Time Domain技術文章及相關Time Domain新聞趨勢,及更新最新相關Time Domain電子產品技術. ... 2006-11-10 PCB電路板差分阻抗測試技術 TDR(Time Domain ......


電腦詞典/時域反射計(儀,器) Time Domain Reflectometer ...    絕對中肯!!XD          【名稱】:時域反射計(儀,器) Time Domain Reflectometer 【解釋】: 時域反射計是一種用於測試通信網路上物理部件的設備。它在電纜上發送一個信號,這個信號可以對 ......
