Time (magazine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 相信在場男性都對陪女伴逛街這檔事多少都感到相當無奈吧,特別是當有的店家沒有提供沙發等休息區、手上又拎著大包小包的時候,這時心裡鐵定是怨念無限的阿! 與其選擇與老婆吵,Steve Venegas 使用了最具創意的方式向全世界訴苦,因此才有了 The Gap Mannequin ProgecTime (often written in all-caps as TIME) is an American weekly news magazine published in New York City. It was founded in 1923 and for decades dominated by Henry Luce, who built a highly profitable stable of magazines. A European edition (Time Europe, fo...