tiny umbrella

The Firmware Umbrella – TinyUmbrella | iOS, Android, hacking/jailbreaking informationiPHONE1100 你想要嗎??? Now that TaiG has released their 8.4 jailbreak, everything is looking more stable. I’m working on solutions to the import issues users are facing on 8.4 but the ETA on this is non-existent. Apple has changed that particular part of iOS quite a bit and I’l...


TinyUmbrella - Backup Your SHSH - Jaxov - Blog on News, Gadgets and Technology 天阿,錢真的對你來講是....TinyUmbrella is a tool that allows you to backup your SHSH to Saurik server meaning you can always jailbreak iphone firmwares. ... TinyUmbrella is a tool that allows users to backup their SHSH to Saurik's server and also on their computer. SHSH is a speci...


TinyUmbrella工具懶人包--==最專業、最眾多的app 介紹、討論網站, app review== 再見啦~~~沒錯是要降級,但是大家都別忘了一點,就是Apple針對每個iOS版本的SHSH認證喔!Apple可不是做慈善的,更不會真的佛心來了,一但新的iOS出來,舊的iOS的SHSH認證可是立刻就關掉了。 ......


iPhone4HK - SHSH 回復教學 - iPhone4HK - iPhone 香港資訊網 你以為你是在牽狗嗎!!! 好奇怪喔提供 SHSH 回復教學,回復裝置至指定版本,使用 TinyUmbrella,適用於 iPhone,iPod touch 及 iPad ... 無鎖版 (行貨) iPhone 請確保已插入 SIM 卡, 並等待 iTunes 自動激活 iPhone, 設置完成後, 再同步 iPhone 一次...


TinyUmbrella - Download TinyUmbrella 7.12 in english on JoyDownload 身邊一堆辣妹~~~ 可是你好鎮定!TinyUmbrella is one of its kind application that can help in restoring your jailbroken iOS device to the previous firmware version - Download TinyUmbrella latest version here. ... Download XP, VISTA, 7, 8 This download is managed by our ad-supported smart...
