TiVo: your ultimate source for entertainment | myTiVo.com.au 來源:每日七言(ID:mrqy88) 作者:非顏 女兒,今天是你的30歲生日。 時間真快啊,一轉眼,當初非鬧着要坐在爸爸肩膀上的小丫頭就長成了亭亭玉立的大姑娘,也到了成家立業的時候了。 你肯定又以為我是在催你結婚。 With a TiVo media device, you won't just get digital quality pictures and new TV channels, you'll be able to control your TV like never before. Pausing, rewinding and recording live TV is just the start: if you're a Telecom Broadband customer, you can eve...