所有超跑買家的終極目標 全台唯一限量,車界擁有「馬王」的就是它!
Logitech TK820 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news主持人蘇宗怡自從接下TVBS《地球黃金線》主持棒,收視節節攀升,不僅一周內就讓「地球黃金線」風光進榜,更轟動車界好友紛紛情義相挺,將全台唯一限量、在車界擁有「馬王」稱號的2017年黃色「LaFerrari敞篷版」,開進攝影棚獨家亮相!特別是車子還沒進棚,光聽引擎聲,就讓現場汽車專家們興奮不已,當「馬The Good The ergonomic keys on the Logitech TK820 are a pleasure to touch, the integrated touch pad is fully compatible with 13 Windows 8 gestures, four AA batteries last for an impressive six months of use, and the convenient Unifying Receiver plays nice...