IPS versus TN LED LCD Monitor - Flat Panel Monitors - Computer Peripherals 保養的女人老樣子!不保養的女人樣子老!認同嗎? 世界上有三種女人: 第一種:懶女人,什麼都懶得弄,最後連老公都懶得看她! 第二種:傻女人,把老公打扮的像帥哥,把自己打扮得像帥哥他媽! 第三種:笨女人,自己省吃儉用,從來捨不得為自己的身體和臉蛋投資! 很多人的身體一日不如一日,臉蛋也成了黃臉婆,身材I saw it in-store today, looked pretty neat, viewing angles look okayish. The glossy screen kinda turns me off though. and the fact that it's not IPS -.- So I'll prob look at the dells again. I've noticed that Dells alienware 3D gaming monitor is TN due t...