IPS versus TN LED LCD Monitor - Flat Panel Monitors - Computer Peripherals #正面能量135470想必大家都看過犀利人妻吧是的,我老公外遇了而對象是我表妹(那個表妹基本上跟我沒有任何血緣關系,因為他是我姑丈偷吃生下來的)不一樣的是,我沒有一個明事理的小姑兼朋友以及公公婆婆我老公外遇東窗事發後,家里的每個人都覺得是我的問題而非我老公以及表妹他們怪我只會花老公的錢I saw it in-store today, looked pretty neat, viewing angles look okayish. The glossy screen kinda turns me off though. and the fact that it's not IPS -.- So I'll prob look at the dells again. I've noticed that Dells alienware 3D gaming monitor is TN due t...